What are the types of SEO in digital marketing?
SEO or Search engine optimization is the process to rank the site better in Google SERPs, and as a result, there will be a hike in the number of visitors on the site. Relevant keywords and phrases are taken considering the domain for it. Well, it is not only confined to it. Different types of SEO are also there to which a digital marketer must get well-versed with.
Here we explore thirteen types of SEO and their importance so that planning the strategy to rank higher among all the competitors in organic search listing will be easy to know.
White Hat SEO
White-hat SEO is about the optimization techniques Google search engine accepts. The process is time-consuming, but the results are worth waiting for. Across the search engine, genuine goodwill will be maintained. Also, with the new algorithm update, there will be no risk of the site getting banned or reach out to the lower positions in the search engine.
- Low risk
- High rewards
- Genuine results
- Acceptable techniques.
- Time-consuming
Grey Hat SEO
Gray-Hat SEO is an emergency technique to see the results quickly. It lies between white and black hat SEO considering the approach. Being an emergency technique, it includes clickbait content but is still of no value for the user. Google webmaster doesn’t deny accepting it but still is not the results will not be according to the expectation of the user.
- Emergency technique.
- Quick technique
- Not acceptable results.
- Risks are high.
Black Hat SEO
Black-Hat SEO finds out the loopholes in the algorithm of Google and helps in ranking the site better on its SERPs. It does not revolve around the dos and don’ts of the SEO list of Search Engine; instead focuses on keyword stuffing, paid link building methods and shows up the different contents to crawlers/bots and humans, too, for the best outcomes. Probably the site may get blacklisted even without any prior notice.
- Opposite of White-Hate SEO.
- Less time consumption.
- Take advantage of loopholes of the Google algorithm.
- The site may get blacklisted.
- High-risk.
Negative SEO
Negative SEO is the process to let the competitors’ search ranking suffer. In simpler words, a user can get the benefit from it in return. It is among the unethical types of SEO. Additionally, it includes peeping into the site of others and build-up some suspicious low-quality links. On some online forums, a negative review will be posted, affecting the ranking of the competitors’ site.
Dissolve the ranking of a competitor.
- Unacceptable.
- Unethical.
- Lead to legal ordeals.
On-Page SEO
On-page refers to all the steps taken for ranking the web page better and higher on all the search engines available. It focuses on providing useful information to the user with high-quality content. Additionally, meta-tags, highlighting headings, and other content elements are included that helps the Google bots to understand the content posted on the portal. It also ensures that there must not be broken links or duplicate content available. The URL structure has also been cleaned up, and content with the same purpose is categorized along with small size images.
- Hub of all the online steps taken for SEO.
- Categorization.
- Look out for duplicate content
- Make the content eat to understand and acceptable by Google bots too.
- It appears to be time-consuming.
Off-page SEO
As the name suggests, off-page SEO refers to the steps taken outside the site to rank it better in Google SERPs. Majorly it includes working on all the external factors for ranking like link building with same domains from the trusted portals, social media marketing focusing on customers delivering positive reviews on another online portal too.
- Done offline.
- Easy to achieve.
- Focuses on customers for reviews.
- Could be time-consuming
Technical SEO
Technical SEO is helping Google bots to crawl, index, and interpret the site pages successfully for future reference. It successfully creates the XML sitemap and makes it mobile-friendly too. Along with it, help the web crawlers by adding on the structured data and making the categories according to the type of content on the pages.
- Make the website mobile-friendly.
- Categorization of the content.
- Add on structured data.
No such problem with it.
Local SEO
Local SEO is among those types, comprising of local businesses only. In simple words, for ranking out your business locally, the website will be optimized for Local SEO only. But it is integral to follow all the guidelines falling under this part. Along with it, the name of the business, along with other details, is important to consider on all the pages of SEO.
Targets local audience.
The chances of getting top ranking locally are high.
Targeting an international audience can be difficult.
Content SEO
Content SEO is a part of On-page SEO. It focuses on the quality of content available on the portal and the methods to make it better. It is among the most important and successful factors for SEO considered in other types of SEO too. Under on-page SEO, certain content guidelines are needed to be followed to make it better and let the site rank better.
- Focusing on quality content.
- Chances of ranking are high.
- Risk-free
- No problem with this one.
Mobile SEO
Mobile SEO specifically focuses on mobile devices. Right now, people have access to online p[ortakl through their mobile devices, thus it is important to make the website visible in the mobile-first index too. When the website is in it, the visibility will be there on mobile devices too. But make sure the website created is mobile friendly too for focusing it out.
- Make the website visible on mobile devices too.
- Traffic enhancement.
- No such problem, but if the website is not mobile-friendly, problems will be there.
eCommerce SEO
Well, right now, eCommerce is growing day by day, and it is important that users have an encounter with the portal whenever they search for a particular query. For all the ecommerce websites, it is integral to do the optimization so that they can reach out to the genuine audience easily. It focuses on the online shopping portal irrespective of small or large scale business.
- Targets a genuine audience.
- Increase sales.
- Complex procedure
App store optimization
App store optimization (ASO), as the name suggests, focuses on ranking the applications out there. It is somewhere similar to On-page SEO which means to make its presence online. Be sure about the title and app logo, as these are the most integral factor for ASO. Try to build up more links to it so that the chances of ranking the app higher on the App store will increase.
YouTube SEO
YouTube is also among the top search engines these days. But ranking content on it is not that simple. A person needs to be sure about the quality content and optimize the same accordingly, too. If the same is not optimized, then the audience will not be able to reach out to the content. It is entirely different among the types of SEO but an integral one to consider for better reach.
SEO is important to rank the site better. But it is important to choose the type of SEO according to the requirement. If SEO is not performed accurately, the chances of ranking the website are almost negligible.