Creating an ecommerce website is difficult but bringing traffic to your website is much difficult. The competition in ecommerce space is increasing day by day and this trend is not going to stop anytime soon. However, this competition must not become a deterrent to your idea of launching your ecommerce store. The ecommerce market share is quite large and there is enough opportunity for everyone to earn good profits. So, let’s not get off track and move onto the main topic. Here in this post, you will get six simple yet effective tips to increase your brand presence and boost traffic.

1. Create & Run A Blog
It is one of the most basic steps you can take towards bringing more eyeballs to your e-commerce website. Take a look at any major brand and you will find a blog with relevant content. Although running a blog seems simple but you will only benefit if you keep these tips in mind
- Learn to do keyword research
- Analyze the content strategy of your competitors
- Create a content calendar
- Create engaging, relevant, informative content
- Use images, videos, infographics in case they improve the quality of the post
2. Improve Presence On Social Media Platforms
There are a lot of social media platforms and you can create a profile with the business name on almost all of them. However, instead of focusing on all the platforms you just have to pick one or two social media that suits your niche. For example, if you are a food blogger or fashion blogger then Pinterest and Youtube are a good choice.
3. Reach Out To Influencers
When you are starting up then reaching out to influencers with a small fan following can help you increase your brand presence. Remember I said small social media influencers. They will charge you less amount of money and will write a review for your products.
4. Improve OnPage SEO Of Your eCommerce Website
Creating a well-designed e-commerce website is the first step however some basic on-page factors must also be considered while creating the structure of your website. If you are thinking about technical SEO then don’t worry because I am telling you to just implement basic onpage nothing too complicated. Here are the things that you can do to improve the on-page SEO of your ecommerce website
- Create a proper XML sitemap
- Implement Google Analytics and Search Console with GTM
- Create a robots.txt file
- Define categories and URL paths properly
- Focus on improving font size and readability
- Implement 301 redirects
- Check if your cart & login pages are not indexed
- Implement SSL and check if payment processing is secure or not
These are very basic tasks and for a better idea run an audit with SEMrush or hire a trustworthy SEO expert to do this job. Also, take a look at the complete onpage SEO checklist.
5. Run Contest & Giveaways
If you are new to the ecommerce market then you would have a very low brand presence and awareness. No matter how good your products are bringing people to your estore might seem like an uphill task. In such a case a simple trick is to run a fun contest or product giveaways. These contests bring people, and they present you an opportunity to show your products or services to a large number of people. The best part about this strategy is that it doesn’t cost much. If you don’t have any idea about contests and giveaways then take a look at some of the case studies by big brands that have used a similar market strategy. Reaching out to people and connecting your brand with human stories can work wonders for your brand image and bring a small yet consistent stream of people.
6. Create a Referral or Affiliate program
Another approach that you can take is to create a referral program that will help you increase ecommerce sales without spending too much money. The best example of affiliate marketing is the ecommerce giant Amazon itself. Amazon runs a very large affiliate program and a large number of people contribute to its sales and earn a commission on the products sold through their channels. This all can be tracked and used to sell products.
Now, you must be thinking that If you create a contest or start an affiliate program then how would you make people aware of these initiatives. At the initial stages the reach of your social media profiles is very low so sharing the contest and affiliate program news will not be enough. If you are thinking about creating a Press Release then it is possible but still not a great method.
I suggest you invest some money in paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest and from there you can bring users to your landing pages dedicated to contests and quizzes. Running ads is pretty easy and gives good returns once you have enough experience to do so.
If you have never run ads before then I suggest you read up a bit and start from a small budget. A small budget allows you to make mistakes and learn how ads on a social media website work. Although, if you have the resources and lack time then hiring an ad specialist is also a great idea.
I hope these tips helped you get some ideas to improve the traffic for your ecommerce website. Another suggestion is to stop checking stats so much and just work with the basics. If you think that digital marketing or SEO is rocket science then you are wrong on all accounts. All this is dead simple and the only difference is that digital marketers like us have been working in this field for so long that we have a pretty good experience of what works and what doesn’t.
Starting an eocmmerce website is one thing but keeping it afloat and working on it consistently is definitely tough. The above tips may seem simple but they all work if implemented correctly. However, patience and persistence is the key to success in the eCommerce market.
Good luck with your eCommerce journey