So, how lengthy should the content be in total?
As much as feasible, content should be condensed. The length of the content should be determined by the situation.
The phrases Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Processing Terms will become more significant in Search Engine Optimization, I suppose.
I’m making an effort to study about NLP terminology and to comprehend why we’re writing for what cause and in what style. When deciding on the headings, heading vectors, annotation texts, anchor texts, technique, and sentence structure, it’s important to understand the distinction between a query and an entity, as well as what I mean by each in the article briefs I provide. Furthermore, you should be aware of when to use lists, when to use tables, when to use which “types of entities,” and when to use which form of sentence structure in which situation.
Due to the fact that Google can now index and rank sections, it is imperative that we learn everything we can about generating user- and search engine-friendly content for specific industries and niches.
I still have a lot to learn, but I have made significant progress.
Monthly traffic of 5000 users is generated by a 170-word article with three images that is only 170 words long. (in a simple niche that is optimized for Ads RPM and Affiliates)
& 4000 unique users every month who view content that is more than 10k words in length. (for a high-value affiliate product in a competitive niche.
As a result, there is no set length for the content. Write as much as is necessary to provide an answer to the search query.